JOHN MCAFFE booked on charge of: Domestic Assault (12 Hr Hold)
JOHN MCAFFE () was booked into the Putnam County Jail on 4/29/2020, charged with: Domestic Assault (12 Hr Hold)
JOHN MCAFFE () was booked into the Putnam County Jail on 4/29/2020, charged with: Domestic Assault (12 Hr Hold)
GLEN ROBICHAUD () was booked into the Putnam County Jail on 4/28/2020, charged with: Domestic Assault (12 Hr Hold)
THOMAS TURNER () was booked into the Putnam County Jail on 4/28/2020, charged with: Domestic Assault (12 Hr Hold)
JAMAINE LEMONS () was booked into the Putnam County Jail on 4/28/2020, charged with: Aggravated Assault
CHRISTOPHER DUBREE () was booked into the Putnam County Jail on 4/28/2020, charged with: Domestic Assault (12 Hr Hold)
CODY STURGILL () was booked into the Putnam County Jail on 4/28/2020, charged with: Domestic Assault (12 Hr Hold)
JOSHUA WILBORN () was booked into the Putnam County Jail on 4/28/2020, charged with: Aggravated Criminal Trespassing
ALISHA SINGH () was booked into the Putnam County Jail on 4/28/2020, charged with: Domestic Assault (12 Hr Hold)
THOMAS IVY () was booked into the Putnam County Jail on 4/28/2020, charged with: Resisting Arrest
BRENDA DIEGO () was booked into the Putnam County Jail on 4/27/2020, charged with: Domestic Assault (12 Hr Hold)
SAMUEL REAL () was booked into the Putnam County Jail on 4/27/2020, charged with: Domestic Assault (12 Hr Hold)
RYAN FLATT () was booked into the Putnam County Jail on 4/26/2020, charged with: Violation Of Bond Conditions
ROY LEWIS () was booked into the Putnam County Jail on 4/26/2020, charged with: DUI – Driving Under The Influence
JERRY DAVIS () was booked into the Putnam County Jail on 4/25/2020, charged with: DUI – Driving Under The Influence 39-17-132
TORI HILL () was booked into the Putnam County Jail on 4/25/2020, charged with: DUI – Driving Under The Influence
WILLIAM HOWARD () was booked into the Putnam County Jail on 4/24/2020, charged with: DUI – Driving Under The Influence